Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

bisnis terms

No. istilah arti arti
1. Above-the-line In Marketing, relating to marketing expenditure on advertising in media such as press, radio, television, cinema, and the World Wide Web, on which a commission is usually paid to an agency.
Dalam Pemasaran, yang berkaitan dengan pengeluaran pemasaran iklan di media seperti pers, radio, televisi, bioskop, dan World Wide Web, di mana biasanya dibayar komisi untuk agen.

2 Absorbed Account An account that has lost its separate identity by being combined with related accounts in the preparation of a financial statement.
Sebuah akun yang telah kehilangan identitas terpisah dengan menjadi dikombinasikan dengan rekening yang terkait dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan.

3 Absorbed Business A company that has been merged into another company.
Sebuah perusahaan yang telah bergabung ke dalam perusahaan lain.
4 Absorbed costs The indirect costs associated with manufacturing, for example, insurance or property taxes. biaya tidak langsung berhubungan dengan manufaktur, misalnya, asuransi atau pajak properti.

5 Absorption costing An accounting practice in which fixed and variable costs of production are absorbed by different cost centers Suatu praktik akuntansi di mana tetap dan biaya variabel produksi diserap oleh pusat-pusat biaya yang berbeda.

6 Back-to-back kredit Such a loan, often between a company and its foreign subsidiary, eliminates the risk of loss from exchange rate fluctuations. Seperti pinjaman, sering antara perusahaan dan anak perusahaan asing, menghilangkan risiko kerugian dari fluktuasi nilai tukar.

7 Back office : the administrative staff of a company who do not have face-to-face contact with the company's customers. : staf administrasi sebuah perusahaan yang tidak memiliki wajah-to-face kontak dengan pelanggan perusahaan.

8 Backup a period in which bond yields rise and prices fall, or a sudden reversal in a stock market trend. suatu periode di mana imbal hasil obligasi naik dan harga turun, atau pembalikan tiba-tiba dalam tren pasar saham.
9 Bad debts Money owed to you that cannot be collected. Uang berutang kepada Anda yang tidak dapat dikumpulkan.

10 Balance The amount of money remaining in an account. Jumlah uang yang tersisa dalam account.

11 Balanced budget a budget in which planned expenditure on goods and services and debt income can be met by current income from taxation and other central government receipts. anggaran di mana pengeluaran yang direncanakan atas barang dan jasa serta pendapatan utang dapat dipenuhi dengan pendapatan sekarang dari pajak dan penerimaan pemerintah pusat lainnya.

12 Balanced investment strategy a strategy of investing in a variety of types of companies and financial instruments to reduce the risk of loss through poor performance of any one type. strategi berinvestasi di berbagai jenis perusahaan dan instrumen keuangan untuk mengurangi risiko kerugian akibat kinerja yang buruk dari setiap satu jenis.

13 Capital account the sum of a company's capital at a particular time jumlah modal perusahaan pada waktu tertentu

14 Capital allowance the tax advantage that a company is granted for money that it spends on fixed assets. pajak keuntungan yang diberikan perusahaan untuk menghabiskan uang itu pada aktiva tetap.

15 Capital asset an asset that is difficult to sell quickly. aset yang sulit untuk menjual cepat. for example, real estate. misalnya, real estat.

16 Capital budget a budget for the use of a company's money. anggaran untuk penggunaan uang perusahaan.

17 Capital controls regulations placed by a government on the amount of capital residents may hold. peraturan ditempatkan oleh pemerintah pada jumlah penduduk modal dapat terus.

18 Capital equipment Equipment that you use to manufacture a product, provide a service or use to sell, store and deliver merchandise. Peralatan yang Anda gunakan untuk memproduksi sebuah produk, memberikan jasa atau digunakan untuk menjual, menyimpan dan mengantarkan barang dagangan.
19 Capital goods stocks of physical or financial assets that are capable of generating income. saham fisik atau aset keuangan yang mampu menghasilkan pendapatan.

20 Capital inflow the amount of capital that flows into an economy from services rendered abroad. jumlah modal yang mengalir ke dalam suatu ekonomi dari jasa di luar negeri.
21 Capitalism an economic and social system in which individuals can maximize profits because they own the means of production. sebuah sistem ekonomi dan sosial di mana individu dapat memaksimalkan keuntungan karena mereka memiliki alat-alat produksi.

22 Debt capital The part of the investment capital that must be borrowed. Bagian dari modal investasi yang harus dipinjam.
23 Deficit The excess of liabilities over assets; a negative net worth. Kelebihan kewajiban atas aset; kekayaan bersih negatif.
24 Depreciation A decrease in value through age, wear or deterioration. Depreciation is a normal expense of doing business that must be taken into account. Penurunan nilai melalui usia, memakai atau rusak. Penyusutan biaya normal melakukan bisnis yang harus diperhitungkan.
25 Desktop publishing Commonly used term for computer-generated printed materials such as newsletters and brochures. Umumnya digunakan istilah untuk komputer materi cetak seperti buletin dan brosur.

Selasa, 10 November 2009

order letter

PT. Furniture and equipment order
Jln. Lele I Blok L 1-16 Cikarang
Bekasi 17060
No : 055/MTSKK-XI/2008
Bekasi, 11th November 2009
PT. MAJU Kawasan Industri
Jln. Perumnas 3 blok 134 – 136
Bekasi Barat
Attention : Ms. Cakra / General Manager
Dear sir,
Please send us one (1) box of 3.5 sony diskettes and (1) 17” red fox monitor, color black. Terms of payment will be the same as those of our previous orders.
We would appreciate it very much if you could send these items immediately.
Very truly yours,.

Yours faithfully
PT. Furniture and equipment order


PT. Furniture and equipment order
Jln. Lele I Blok L 1-16 Cikarang
Bekasi 17060

No : 055/MTSKK-XI/2008
Bekasi, 11th November 2009
PT. MAJU Kawasan Industri
Jln. Perumnas 3 blok 134 – 136
Bekasi Barat
Attention : Ms. Cakra / General Manager
Dengan hormat,
Silahkan kirimkan kepada kami satu (1) kotak disket dan 3,5 sony (1) 17 "monitor rubah merah, warna hitam. Persyaratan pembayaran akan sama dengan yang sebelumnya kita perintah.
Kami akan sangat menghargai jika Anda bisa mengirim barang-barang ini segera.

Hormat saya,


Senin, 02 November 2009

conditional sentences

Conditional Sentences (Type 1)

conditional sentences (kalimat pengandaian). Conditional sentences terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu subordinate clause (if-clause) yang merupakan pernyataan syarat dan main clause yang merupakan akibat terpenuhi atau tidaknya syarat yang terkandung dalam subordinate clause.
Conditional sentences ada tiga jenis. Berikut ini akan kita bahas satu-persatu :
if clause : simple present tense
main clause : simple future tense
Pada tipe 1 ini suatu tindakan dalam main clause akan terjadi bila syarat dalam if-clause terpenuhi.
Example :
If I have a lot of money, I will buy a new car.
Conditional Sentences (Type 2)
if clause : simple past tense
main clause : past future tense (S + would + V1)
Tipe ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan/keadaan yang berlawanan/ bertentangan dengan kenyataan pada saat ini. Sebenarnya syarat dalam if-clause bisa saja terpenuhi, tetapi kemungkinannya sangat kecil.
Example :
If you studied hard, you would pass the exam.
(Real fact : You don’t study hard.)
Conditional sentence type 3
if clause : past perfect tense (S + had + V3)
main clause : past future perfect (S + would have + V3)
Conditional sentence type 3 ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu syarat yang tidak mungkin lagi dipenuhi karena waktunya telah berlalu. Dengan kata lain, kenyataan bertentangan/berlawanan dengan keadaan di masa lampau.
Example :
If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.
(Real fact : I didn’t study hard, so I didn’t pass the exam.
Atau, I didn’t pass the exam because I didn’t study hard.)

Exercise :
1. If I miss (miss) the buss the bus this afternoon , I’ll get a taxi.
2. If I had more money, would you marry (you,marry) me ?
3. Please don’t sign this contract before I checked (check, them)
4. You would have a lot off friends if you (not,be) so mean.
5. If she had bought a new house she would have been (be )happy.
6. If your conditions are competitive, we (place) will an order.
7. If I had more time, I (do) would do a course in business English.
8. If we had known more about their culture, negotiating (be) would have been easier.
9. If you (customize) customize your CV, your chances of getting a job will be better.
10. We (cancel) cancel our order if you don't deliver the goods by Friday.

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

tugas surat penawaran

Jakarta, 19 Desember 2008
Number........: 055/MTSKK-XI/2008 To the honorable,
As for : cure price .PT. MAJU Kawasan Industri
Jl. Lele I Blok L 1-16

With decorous,
appropriate request Mr.hidajatullah , joint this we tell cure price firing extinguishing equipment as follow :
• ALTEX Abc Dry Chemical Powder 3,5 Kg ........................@Rp. 505.000,-
• ALTEX Abc Dry Chemical Powder 20 Kg (On Trolley)......@Rp. 4.150.000,-
• COMBAT Abc Dry Chemical Powder 3,5 Kg.....................@Rp. 520.000,-
• COMBAT Abc Dry Chemical Powder 25 Kg......................@Rp. 4.750.000,-
Cure condition :
• Price not yet including NIT 10%
• Commodity Indent 1 week
• Payment 2 week after commodity accessible
• Discount for ALTEX 20%
• Discount for COMBAT 10%
Such this cure, we wait for news allright from Mr.Hidajatullah. before we tell to thank you.

sincerely yours,


( ulfa rosana dewi)